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Video That Helped TrueScan Thrive

click above to watch Lee Ann's experience with Iron House Studios

“We looked just like everybody else, yet we weren’t like everybody else.”

These are the words from TrueScan’s Marketing Director, Lee Ann Anderson. Lee Ann had a common problem that most businesses have every day. Her business had a brand but didn’t have a message that stood out or a way to show off what they do on Facebook, Instagram, website, or in meetings. For a while, she had a misconception with the value of video and the return on investment it would bring for their business. Like most overloaded Marketing Directors, Lee Ann knew the video production process wasn’t simple, but that’s where we came in to help.

Iron House Studios thrives off the concept that the video production process should be simple. Not only should it be simple, but it should be accessible to small and midsize businesses who don’t have a six figure budget for video. Video on your website, social media, and presentations will engage your customer and give them confidence in you. It is necessary to communicate clearly about how your business sees the customers’ problems and the way the products or services you offer solves them.

Lee Ann shares, “The process was simple [to make the brand video]...We use the video at every turn. We share it, we show it, we brag about it.”

Months before calling on a video marketing agency, Lee Ann would have never guessed that the process would be so simple and that the video would be so versatile for her and her company. The laser scanning business is complex, so that’s what led her to come to us for a Cinematic Brand Video.

A Cinematic Brand Video...what’s that? At Iron House Studios, we have simplified the type of videos your business needs to thrive into 4 categories: Brand, Explainer, Team, and Customer. A Brand Video is the practical marketing message, the foundational video that tells your customer why you exist and what problem you solve for them. To address Lee Ann’s issue, she needed a brand video for her business that would cut through competitors’ noise. We started by leading with empathy. We addressed the issues that builders, project managers, and building owners experience during their building and renovation process and showed how TrueScan solves them. At the Cinematic Level, it allowed for the Iron House team to dive deeper into creative development, script writing, and empathy with TrueScan, and then gave us a full day to capture all that we discovered.

This is the place to start. Every business needs a brand video to let your customer knows what you do and how you help them. Are you ready to talk about a brand video for your business? Click here to schedule a free assessment!



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